1. Puberty – physical, mental and spiritual changes
2. Sexual and gender identity
3. Self-esteem and mental health
4. Positive Use of Technology & Entertainment for Personal Development
Predavačica/Lecturer: Dr. Amber Khan
Datumi/Dates: 4, 11, 18. i 25 maj/May 2023.
Termin /Time: četvrtkom, 18.00-19.30h /@Thursdays, 18:00-19:30
Jezik/Language: engleski/English
PRIJAVA/REGISTRATION: Prijavni formular/Registration form
Pohađanje programa je BESPLATNO. Za dodatne informacije kontaktirajte nas putem e-maila: info@nahla.ba.
O predavačici/About lecturer:
Nakon stjecanja zvanja doktorice osteopatske medicine u Školi za osteopatsku medicinu Zapadne Virdžinije dr. Amber Khan je nastavila sa zdravstvenim obrazovanjem i angažmanom. Od 2010. godine radi kao zdravstvena edukatorica za mlade. Predaje zdravstveno obrazovanje u školama i društvenim centrima s fokusom na obrazovanje o fizičkom, socijalnom, mentalnom, reproduktivnom i seksualnom zdravlju. Također je predsjedavajuća Odbora za obrazovanje Islamskog medicinskog udruženja Sjeverne Amerike (IMANA) od 2015. godine i edukatorica u Institutu za porodicu i mlade od 2021. godine. Članica je istraživačkog tima Islamske školske lige Amerike (ISLA) koji zajedno s Institutom za socijalnu politiku i razumijevanje (ISPU) i Inicijativom za islam i medicinu (II&M) radi na izradi priručnika za islamske škole. Autorica je prvog zdravstvenog kurikuluma za muslimansku omladinu koji odgovara na najznačajnija pitanja iz oblasti zdravlja iz perspektive islamskog načina života.
After graduating from West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Amber Khan went on to pursue health education. She has been a Muslim youth health educator since 2010. She teaches health education at schools and community centers focusing on physical, social, mental, reproductive, and sexual health education. She is also the chair of the Education Committee for the Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) since 2015 and community educator for the Family and Youth Institute since 2021. Dr Khan is a part of the Islamic Schools League of America (ISLA) research team alongside the Institute of Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) and Initiative on Islam and Medicine (II&M) that is working to create a toolkit for Islamic schools. She has written the first health curriculum for Muslim youth, the first of its kind to tackle the most common health concerns by putting the Islamic way of life at the forefront of its answers.